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Become an Internet Archaeologist with The Wayback Machine

Become an Internet Archaeologist with The Wayback Machine

Today I wanted to let everyone in on a little gem by The Internet Archive called The Wayback Machine.

This wonderful tool goes unnoticed by so many people but could be your research savior.

The Waybach Machine archives the web by taking point-in-time snapshots of websites periodically. From dead websites to missing pages, if it existed online it could be there. Even downloads might be cached in the Internet Archive.

Partial list of what you can do:

  • Browse from 1998
  • Find a driver download from a manufacturer that went under.
  • See what your favorite website looked like when it launched.
  • Find information that fell off the internet due to expired domains.

Consider donating to The Internet Archive and don't forget to check out their amazing collection of free books, video, music, and more.